Thanksgiving Day 2011

Happiest Thanksgiving to all those have helped me be the person I am today, those who have touched my heart, and those who have helped me along the way. I could not be here without you.

I was planning on teaching about mystery and crime tonight but, with three hours left before my lesson began, I changed it. Topic: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Yes, that's right. I was given the elementary level learners (aka: little english experience and ranging from 45-70 years old). Needless to say, it was quite the lesson!
What are you eating tonight? (Turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, and pie , etc. )
Who is coming tonight? (Family and Friends, etc.)
What are you doing tonight? (Watching [American] football, dancing, singing, playing games, eating, sleeping, resting, etc.)
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, no doubt about it.  Paris doesn't bring the warm family-filled feeling, but I will be hosting a Parisian Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night. Complete with chicken, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet potatoes, roasted potatoes, and some form of dessert (tbd)... oh and how could I forget? Paris CAN add to the celebration. That Thanksgiving dinner? ...Just add French WINE! (siigghhh) yessss, perfect.  Spending dinner with my 8 classmates (7 Americans, 1 Brit) will be marvelous!

For the Wisconsinites- nothing's better than to add to the greatest holiday with a GreenBay Packer WIN! GO-PACK-GO!
And to the rest of you across the Atlantic: wherever you are, Happiest Thanksgiving!



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