A very delayed Happy 2019!

A very delayed HAPPY 2019 to you all!
I was sifting through my 2018 and wanted to present you with my reflections. To see the extended version of this, I’ve attached my blog post here:

As always, I first need to recognize that I am a very grateful and lucky individual.  The amount of family and friends that surround me, lift me up and motivate me to be a better individual is just astounding!  I am in awe of them and learn from them each day.  My favorite memories of 2018 are moreover with these people with whom I share my life and I would like to post them to celebrate those memories they have left on my heart.

Furthermore, I must acknowledge the opportunities I was granted in 2018.  Whether it was career-wise, travel-wise, or just a great conversation, my perspective of the world has widened even more.

2018 brought me to 12 different countries; seven of them I explored for the first time!  I’ve never been one to hit “30 in 30” years; it’s more like “what does ‘limit’ mean when it comes to travel?”

I began my 2018 year with my first steps on a new continent: South America.  It was a whirlwind of a “taste of 4 countries”, but well worth the trip!  Brazil gave me a new appreciation for the human body. I know this sounds strange, but suddenly I found myself in a world of so many different shapes, sizes, races… and, while we have difference in the States, I feel our culture hides behind those differences.  We talk about diversity and difference, but do we really celebrate difference?  Brazil does, or at least isn’t afraid to show ‘what their Mama gave them’!  I also had the pleasure of meeting my cousin, Elise, and seeing them owing their language skills! 

            Next was Chile, where we saw the Pope drive by! Our B&B in Santiago was so fantastic, we extended our stay and booked another night on our way back out of the city too!  Our lessons of Chile were that there really isn’t a “typical” delicious Chilean cuisine, but rather Chileans eat Peruvian food… on which I was delighted to join in! “Valpo” was a city of art and heart, and all of which was “worn” on the facades of the city that is ever changing.
  Above the clouds.
            Argentina brought hints of Europe and familiarity more than the first two countries.  I indulged in some of my favorite grapes each evening and only paid $10 for a steak dinner (wine included!). The delta life in Tigre grasped my imagination, as everything is done by boat and life depends a lot on the tides.

            Uruguay was too short, though a visit at the flea market meant I got to add to my handcrafted jewelry collection, purchased my first mate set, and I tried my first arepa!

February was travels to a new region of France.  Alsace impressed me with its white wines (I prefer reds!), and border history.  The region has swaped four times beween German and French lands since 1680!  I found that fascinating as well as the attitude of the people there- charming, warm and welcoming!  My classmates from the Uof Minnesota, Claire and Chad, joined me in drinking champagne in Champagne, singing Beauty and the Best in Colmar, and they witnessed my uncontrollable rolling tears as I entered Notre-Dame de Reims! This structure is definitely in my top 10 I have visited thus far… truly breathtaking!

            February also blessed our family with one of the greatest gifts of all: a beautiful baby boy! My nephew, Finley David, was born to the very best of parents! We love you TTTBBBLLL, Finn!

            Spring in Prague was certainly not a break from the excitement! Evenings at the historic theatres and a private invitation to the Queen Anne’s Royal Summer Palace gave very noble vibes, as did the invitation to attend the United Nations formal gala after my few days of guiding them during their conference in town!  I don’t know think I have ever been in a room with so many honorees in full uniform!

            Big birthday celebrations of 30 began in my life. Martyna’s May birthday meant going to the cycling races in Moravia! Katka made a special trip from the UK and several nationalities gathered for a private movie showing to celebrate Martyna!
            Summer meant tourism and time to work, yet I try to get away for a long weekend or so to enjoy nature in bloom too.  Two weekends away at a Czech chatas granted forest strolls, wine cellars, and a spa visit.  Zoé and I also visited our neighboring country of Slovakia. Since it was our first time, we thought to go straight for the pride and joy of the country: to hike the Tatras Mountains.  It was a full weekend of huffing and puffing, though the views, story-telling, wildflowers, and mountain dumplings were all worth it! 


            Come July and August, it was time to honor Mom and Dad’s “point savings” and get out to California! The last time I was there was 15 years ago so, as an adult, I took in a different side of CA.  Being out with family for a whole week in Lake Tahoe was a week to remember.  These are the moments that go into the memory book and photos I will always look back on.  We were celebrating many things: Finn, Micah’s near end of P.A. school, Dad’s coming retirement, etc.  From ziplining to swimming, hiking, to catching reptiles, it was some good family QT!  

Parent QT continued on for me as Mom, Dad and I relived SanFrancisco!  The pride I felt while learning about my Uncle Jim’s effort and dedication to iTV and human rights was radiating from me.  I hope I can be more of a do’er.

            Off to Seattle I went to visit friends, one treat being Cailin! She reminds me that, regardless of the distance and time, we can always pick right back up where we had left off the visit before! I also visited a new state, Oregon, while attempting to understand how people could enjoy a Pinot Noir…
            Autumn in the Czech means back to the chata for mushroom picking and our last chance to grill outside! This was also an exciting time for the Czechs and Slovaks, as the 100th anniversary of the creation of Czechoslovakia was October 28th.  The September videomapping reveal of the new Orloj was impressive, though the modern design doesn’t seem to impress the locals much… nonetheless we’re happy to see him again! 


Fall travelers to Prague included my second grade teacher, Mrs. G. and I got to be the tour guide!  Another little Czech human I was happy to visit on a weekly-basis was baby Anna! Terry and Mike, you have quite the little [vocal] gift and thank you for including me in watching her grow!
            Lake Street Dive flew me to the UK, where Jenny and I cheered them on! I trained up to Cambridge for the first time to visit Katka and us gals made a great girls weekend out of it! Rachel Kirsty, Katka and I reminisced about living in Prague and had our bubbly on a cliché punt boat through campus!

            October and November was spent wrapping up my guiding hours, saving money, and teaching Isard how to carve a pumpkin!  It was his first time! On weekends, you could usually find me watching Isard at his jam sessions, rocking out on his electric guitar, or Isard studying the rules of American football, as I forced him to spend time at the Green Bay Packer bar here in Prague! … he’s actually taking a liking to the Packers! (don’t worry, I’ll have him in time for next season!)

            On my way out of town, I paid a very delayed-promise visit to a good classmate and friend, Jess, in Berlin.  It was Thanksgiving weekend and to celebrate my favorite holiday, they kindly let me crash THREE Thanksgiving celebrations in 48 hours! … want more turkey, Jess and Guido?

Finally, December was nearing and my second [and last-minute planned] big trip had arrived.  I originally had planned and budgeted this trip to be as the South American trip was, in January.  My friends living in Hanoi, Anna and Brett, had pushed forward their departure and so this was my last chance to see them in Vietnam.
It had been five years since my last trip to Asia. My first impression was Indonesia, which I was left with imprints of potent flowers, juicy tropical fruits for breakfast, diving and volcano excursions, and warm hearts.  Vietnam and Singapore, while they differ so much from each other, each left a completely different imprint than Indonesia.
I have posted many things about this trip so I’ll keep it short.
Anything you can imagine stacking either side-by-side or on top or something else, you can find atop a motorbike. The people of Vietnam are humbling and genuinely sharing of their culture, food, selves.  Nature is still very much “untouched” by tourism, though I’d give it five years… incredible food and we tried weasel poop coffee and crickets!

Singapore, while it’s clean and efficient, it’s as though you’re living in a bubble or within a resort.  It’s not the “real world”.  Emily and Wiktor have a nice setup, though and they have decided to extend their stay at least one more year.  The downtown strip feels like Las Vegas “muscles” though a classier form.  Great variety of religions, and food... I tried my first fresh coconut water!


Flying HOME for Christmas didn’t feel real, mainly because of my sweating uncontrollably in Asia and not being able to associate Christmas music with palm trees.  Soon enough it sank in with flurries, the fireplace, and Mom’s Christmas baking.  Christmas and New Years at home was only spent at home.  And I’m grateful that, still, my loved ones came to see me, since I was about done traveling for awhile!


More of my life in Prague and the people who fill  it with  joy!




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