The end of Leolingo in Bavaria: Goodbyes are never fun

Come Friday, it was all over and Jen came to pick us up. We headed to Andrea and Tobi’s house for the farewell bonfire, which was totally bittersweet but I really didn’t feel much after that.  Considering I only worked with certain people throughout the eight weeks, it was a bit strange to see people again after not keeping up with them for the entire summer.
Andrea and Tobi’s house and set up was incredible and the more I think about it, they really have the life.  (I told Tobi that later, haha!). We all got mugs and a Deutchland shirt or hat, along with a certificate saying thanks from Leolingo.  The whole night was great: tasty food, good company, bonfire, and sleeping in tents!  We taught Andrea how to play Flip-Cup and Beer Pong…she actually mastered Beer Pong!  Saturday came and everyone went their separate ways.  Most took trains and flew home to the UK, some are still staying a week to travel then head home.  As for me, I went back to my host family's house with Cailin to get things situated. I got Malcome back…505 Euros later.  Whatever, he’s worth it!
Saturday night I finally got my chance to participate in a Volksfest.  We headed into Nürnberg: me, Cailin, Alf, Brendan, Rory, and Jenny.  The night was fun: ate a giant pickle, walked aroud the carnival games and rides, went to the two main tents and drank 2 litres of beer and belted out German/English songs!  At one point we actually bought shots of Jager from a nearly 80-year-old woman…awesome.  The night flew by at we caught the 12:20am train back to Neumarkt.  Cailin and I got off at the wrong stop, and the next train wasn’t until 4:30am or so.  I wanted to walked the train tracks all the way back to our stop, but Cailin thought I was nuts.  We had to call and wake up my dad at 2am to come get us.  We were 15km away!!!! If that’s not embarrassment, I’m not sure what is!
The next morning, my host parents had a bit of a laugh about it and explained that Cailin and I were only getting them ready for when their girls get to be 17, 18 and when they go out.  YIKES.


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