Summer 2012

Extremely LATE post but better late than never, right??

Summercamp with LEOlingo , August 15, 2012

It’s my second summer with LEOlingo and, obviously I enjoyed myself the first time around and wanted another go. Last summer, I graduated in May, took off in July to travel a bit, then joined LEOlingo until the middle of September.  Following that, I spent the rest of September and October traveling, lived in Paris for the month of November to get TEFL certified to teach English, then moved to Chrudim, Czech Republic to teach English and live with Pete and Tereza.

This summer, I spent a good eight days in Paris with Emily before I headed home for six weeks (June 24 – August 6th). In that time, Em and I had a wonderful week in Paris and I had a bitter-sweet but great visit at home. I met up with SO MANY friends, roommates, family members, etc.
After a year abroad, I went back Stateside for six weeks.  I cannot even describe how nervous I actually was. As Chicago's skyline appeared through the clouds down below from the plane window, it was first a sigh of relief, but then tears.  I couldn't decide if I they were sad or happy tears... both probably.  Regardless, I was home! I was home for only two and half weeks where I spent lots of time with Mom and Dad, and both weekends were taken up with visitors (roommates and Cailin- a fellow LEOlingo counselor from last year), and Summerfest!

Next, I headed to the Twin Cities to visit college life again. I discovered that I, in fact, am still in love with them. It was a full weekend of: trying cookie dough vodka- root beer cocktails, downtown/uptown with the roommates, finally answering my Buffalo Wild Wings cravings after a year, pelting a service-found friend with over-ripe tomatoes at the Minneapolis Tomato Fest (Omar), hitting the dance floor with my Latin amigos, cheering on the Twinkies in 12th row behind the dugout, keeping up with good company- all of which I found I deeply miss in my life.

Minneapolis took me up north to my family cottage in Minocqua, Wisconsin with my parents and, let me tell you, after three weeks of non-stop visiting and activity, it sure did feel good to sit out on the boat and do absolutely NOTHING.  Of course, there are certain traditions we must follow in our visits and of course you needn’t worry because those still prevailed except for one. Mom and I didn’t get out on the kayaks once in the entire five whole days we were there.  We managed to play plenty of cards/Farkle which [Mom and I should get medals of courage because Dad kicked butt every time and we still got back up to play him again], get to Monacle’s for pizza, the family owned doughnut place [twice], and over to our family friends’ for a hearty dinner.  The week with my parents was probably my favorite part of being home. There was no pressure to do anything, not too many questions being fired at me; we just enjoyed each other’s company in the moment.

After the relaxing week up north, Mom and I took a road trip out east with the Freiburger family. It was a quick and weary “goodbye” to Dad, but I think it was better that way. We parted ways at 5am while Mom and I started our journey, so we were both tired still and while he wanted to slip back into bed, I wanted to get on the road already!

Our first stop was Gettysburg, PA.
Towards Chicago we hit a terrible thunderstorm. It was actually quite difficult to drive through, but we saw a great sunrise and a rainbow, full arc and all! We made it after about 10 hours in one day, and the Pennsylvania hills were just as I remembered them: beautiful and friendly.
Our second stop was Washington D.C. for about three days... and WHAT A PLACE TO SEE! AFter Gerrysburg, I was in the "patriotic mode" and found so much pride in D.C.   I could see myself living there for a bit, just to experience the heart of USA's history!
From D.C., we moved on to Raleigh, NC to visit Julie and Micah. They had a nice place and Paddington was such a good dog as well.  We just had one night with her there but with Jane and the kids too! It was a memorable evening.  We ordered out Thai and watched the London summer olympic opening ceremonies (always my favorite).

The next day, we made our way down to Hilton Head, SC for the family meeting and the celebration of Grandma Sally's 80th birthday.  I was incredibly nervous in the ten minutes leading up to the moment when we pulled into the driveway.  I can't imagine how Micah must have felt!  Once you open the door, it's a  massive WAVE of energy that hits you like a train of LOVE and overwhelming welcome.  It's meant to be a positive one but, after a year of living in a quiet town and not speaking much, it was a bit too much for me.
Maru, Ani and I made it the middle of a thunder/lightning storm. It wasn't quite raining yet, but he still threw us up there, pirate balloon and all! We had yard games on the beach, canoed through the connecting streams among the houses there, saw some alligators and dolphins (I managed to miss BOTH of them!)

As the week went on, I realized that being with family is still one of the greatest gifts that I have in my life.  They know me best and take me in as I come.  Sharing stories and experiences are always fun, and that beach in HH was unforgettable.
At her birthday celebration night, Grandma Sally gave a beautiful message: People always stress about who they are, where they're going, and if they're giving back or putting enough effort in. (She looked every one of us in the eye and said, "You ARE enough.")  

Following that week, it was time to start heading to Atlanta to fly back across the pond.  With Mom, Gram, and Emily in the car with me, we had quite the road trip to Savannah!  We were singing, having great chats and a good laugh.  We took a tour of Savannah via trolley, had a great lunch in the scolding, humid heat, then Em and I got matching fork bracellets from an artist who seemed to want to tell us his life story.
We made our way down to Atlanta where we stayed a couple days at Uncle Mark's house. We made homemade pizzas, swam in the pool, and got mani/pedis! 
The goodbye was fairly difficult at the airport the following morning.  I gave my hug to Gram first, then Mom was last. It doesn't matter if I'm leaving for University for a few weeks or going abroad for a year, it's never easy saying goodbye to Mom.  BUT that just gives her more incentive to come and visit ME! :D


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